Resetting the Hormann Supramatic Series 2 Operator

Please note: Make sure the emergency release is not engaged and the door is set to work automatically.
1. Turn on the mains power supply to the unit while holding down the ‘PRG’ button. Keep the ‘PRG’ button pressed untill the screen shows ‘C’.
2. Release the ‘PRG’ button and the display briefly shows ‘J’ then a slowly flashing ‘0.’.

3. Use the up and down arrows to change the ‘0.’ to a ‘1’ – this selects the ‘up and over’ mode.
4. Hold down the ‘PRG’ button, the display changes to a solid ‘J’ then to a flashing ‘1’ – you can now release the ‘PRG’ button.
5. Hold down the ‘PRG’ button, the display should change from a flashing ‘1’ to a flashing ‘1.’ (note the ‘.’ in the bottom right).

8. Press the ‘DOWN’ arrow button. The door will fully close, then will automatically move back to the fully open position.
9. Press the ‘DOWN’ arrow button. The door will move to the closed position and back up to the open position automatically. It will then automatically move to the closed and open position one more time.
The display should now show a single red line at the top of the display to indicate it is in the open position.
The Operator is now fully reset.
have the supermatic 2 quite old but works fine most of the time but if 1 of the doors is not opened (have 2)every week or so I have to reset it then works fine again seems to lose its memory
any ideas
What version supramatic is it? It might have photocells set to ‘on’ in the menu. What happens if you turn the power off and on without holding the prg button?
It’s a supramatic E
When I turn power off then back on the flashing L lights up the door only goes up in flashing L mode nothing happens when I press the down button.
If it is one of the older series 1 or series 2 supramatics then it would be worth checking that photocells are turned off by checking menu 4 is set to ‘0.’ – It is also worth checking the door moves freely when it is disconected from the operator. Other than this, if the unit does not complete the learning runs then it will not function correctly. It could be a fault with the motor.
Number 8 usually relates to a photocell problem. Does the door have photocells installed? It could be that they are not aligned correctly or have a fault.
No it don’t have any photocells installed I have two doors the other door slows down as it shuts and opens but the door I’m haveing trouble with looks to be closing and opening quiet hard I just can’t get the door to go down when it’s in L mode to do the full cycle it’s supposed to do.
Another thing I’ve noticed if when the door is up in flashing L mode and I press up while the doòr is up goes on 8 for a split second the a solid F shows don’t know if that is something to do with the problem..
Hi I’ve have a problem with the learning mote my door will go up in L mode when up it will not go down in
L mode the only way I can get it to go down is when it shows up a U can you help please thank you
Hi Bob, ‘U’ indicates that the operator has not had its limits set. It must go through the full limit setting procedure in learn ‘L’ mode before it will operate correctly. Does it show any errors in L mode?
Hi Stuart, it depends exactly which model you have, but ‘C’ should usually only ever be briefly displayed to indicate the motor has been reset, usually by holding down PRG while you turn the mains power on. Once you let go of the PRG button the display should change. If it is showing C constantly it could indicate a fault with the motor, maybe even a faulty PRG button. Other than the reset procedure there is not much more I can think of that you can do. It would be worth disconnecting any wired push buttons or photocells before trying the reset to see if that makes any difference.
Thank you-unfortunately I have tried all of that. I’m guessing a motor fault then.
Unfortunately it does sound like it. The motors do have a 5 year warranty so it may be covered.
I have a Hormann Supramatic E Series garage door showing Code C. Have tried resetting procedure. what does C code means and what I can do to rest it please?
Hi, My garage door is working fine most of the time, but every 10nth time it fails to close entirely, leaving a 30 cm gap.
Ther door does not go up, it just stops. There is no error code. I did the reset procedure.. I tried running i manually and it seems smooth enough.. What can it be?
I highly appreciate it if you would come with your insights.
Hi Mads, the only issues I can think of are that there is an obstruction somewhere, but you would get an error code for this, or it could be that partial open is coded in on some of the hand transmitters. It might be worth wiping all the hand transmitter codes from the head unit and coding all the hand transmitters back in, but making sure you don’t code in to the partial open function.
It was a bad roller that was to tight. Sometimes it stuck. After a little adjustment its fine 🙂
Thank you for your input!
Hi There,
After blasting a day trying to fix the same door I thought I’d message here for help.
We had a power cut. Meaning the honmann motor went off in the garage. Before this has been fine.
This caused the door to fail.
After climbing through a window I was able to do the full reset but when seeking to use L to allow it to find the track I’ve got an error (8). I read the manual and appears to relate to door weight /issues?
I think this all has to be due to the fact that the part where the door mechanism captures the chain is all the way towards the motor (the part of the chain where it locks to the door lock is at the opposite end). Almost stuck up there.
Is there a way to manually move the chain so the door ?
Or at I going bonkers and this isn’t the reason?
Many thanks in advance
Hi James,
If it is a series 2 unit then error ‘8.’ usually relates to a photocell issue. It might be worth checking that these are either working ok, or if none are attached, making sure safety devices are turned off. This should be menu 4 in a series 2 unit.
What series motor is it and where have you found the information relating to the door weight?
If you want to reattach the door then you can check out our video on manual and automatic operation
Hi Daniel,
Thanks so much for helping and your information is amazing. Yes series 2 mate.
The info I found on the manual suggested that when you put it in learning mode if the error comes back as >3 it means there’s a problem with the forces on the door.
But I did see error 8 relating to photocell. I don’t know if we have this but presumably not
Could you please provide step by step guide to telling it we don’t :).
That would be amazing.
Again, really appreciate the support here.
Hi Daniel,
Please ignore my other message mate. I managed to set the menu 4 to 0, indicating no presence of cells.
Now the motor makes a short effort to do something in L mode but then just stops. Feels like it’s lost a lot of power.
Any ideas? I am getting U as error a bit
Thanks again
Hi James, Are you starting the reset procedure from the beggining by unplugging the mains supply? Once the motor is in ‘L’ for learn mode you should press the up arrow to start the reset procedure. On some older models you then had to press the down arrow once the door had reached its up limit. Then continue to do this for the open / close cycles until the door had completely reset.
Thanks again,
I am doing that but when in L mode I press the up button. The motor makes a small cutting sound and nothing happens. Then the same for down arrow.
I’ve no idea why the L mode no longer works. I get U error message.
So annoying as all we had was a power failure.
To be clear what I’ve done is as follows:
Restart mode
Program it to be sectional door
Program it to be 0. On menu 4 for power cell absence
Go to second menu to start L mode
Then now getting error U
Thanks again
‘U’ indicates that the motor has not yet gone through the learn procedure. It may be worth just powering the operator off then back on without resetting and see if it operates. If it fails to go through a learn procedure, other than the photocells there is not much more that can be altered.
I have an M2 Automatic and it shows error code 4 (in manual as “overload current)” – reset operator but…
– i can reset it using reset commands and …
-it works once with the remote after resetting, then gives error again
-manual press of button on unit to open/close works fine at all times
Is the receiver unit perhaps at fault ?
all advice gratefully received
What is the exact model of the operator? It could be a faulty receiver or an external keypad with holiday mode turned on. You could replace the receiver or add an external if the internal receiver is faulty.
Excellent o did it
I have a Hormann Supramatic mechanism on a double door. The mechanism on the back is type HE/RE type.
I have two remotes. A four button one type HS (M) 2/4 which works ok, and and a two button HSE 2 type which doesn’t work. I have changed battery and red light shows signal but door won’t open.
Hello David,
Did the HSE 2 type remote work before or is it a new one? Please can you make sure that both remotes have the same coloured buttons, they need to be operating on the same frequency to work. If both remotes do have the same coloured buttons, then the remote that’s not working may just need reprogramming, especially if the battery has been flat for a long period of time. If the remotes are grey/blue buttons you need to follow the instructions for the series 2 programming instructions:
If that fails to work, the HSE 2 type remote circuit board may have failed and you will require a new remote control. If you don’t have blue/grey button remotes please can you tell me which coloured button remotes you are trying to get working.
I have a series 3 and replaced the springs on the garage door. I completed the learning procedure but error code 2 displays. The manual says it’s the photocells but there aren’t any photocells installed. It also says to access menu 60 but it only goes up to 46? I’m a bit lost!!
Hi Jonathan,
It would be worth checking that nothing is connected to the photocell connectors in the back of the head unit and that the wire link is still connected in the X30 socket (next to the buss connector).
Menu 60 is part of the special advanced menus which are only accessible by qualified engineers. You should not need to access these menus. If you perform a full factory reset as detailed in the article above, turn on the mains power while holding down the PRG button, it will rescan all the connections and automatically turn off the photocell function if none are detected. If it is still displaying error 2 then you would really need to speak to your nearest Hormann dealer.
Hi Manuel, if it is a series 3 motor then menus 32, 33 and 34 correspond to the closing time.
32 is 30 seconds, 33 is 60 seconds and 34 is 120 seconds. You would need to hold the program button on the selected menu to enable that closing time.
I have a supramatic motor and I need to increase the time of automaticaly closing of the gate.
How can I do this?
Hi Calum,
I would try a reset. if is a series 2 unit then follow the instructions above. It is also probably worth setting the door to manual operation and checking it works freely when it is not attached to the motor.
Hi, Opened the garage with the fob today as normal and opened fine but went to close and it didn’t go. I then pressed the down arrow on the unit and it was flashing 6. I then pressed the fob again and it closed then quickly opened again as if there was an obstruction. Continued to do this and the display had changed to a U. I then had to hold the down key down to bring the garage to the closed position but still there is a U on the screen and none of the fobs work. Any ideas what i should do?
Thankyou in advance,
Hello, when my door closes it has begun to open back up about 50cm and displays error code 3. It doesn’t happen every time and there doesn’t appear to be any obstructions. It continues to happen even after a reset. When I reset the motor it flashes the number 4 at the end of the learning process. I’ve oiled all the hinges on the door panels and it seems to be moving quite freely. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Error 3 on a series 2 operator usually relates to the belt tension in the boom. If it is continuing to happen after a full reset it could indicate a fault. It would be worth inspecting the belt in the boom for any signs of damage and may also be worth adjusting the down stop bracket on the boom.
Hi I have a supermatic 2 opener which has developed a fault where it opens on its own without anyone pressing a control, I have tried a reset but nothing. It still happens
Do you have any idea what else I could try please
If it has a wired push button, then it could be a fault with the wiring or the button. It could also be a faulty hand transmitter or accidental pressing of the hand transmitter button. I have seen this happen with a hand transmitter in a drawer, the button was getting pressed when the drawer was closed. I would start by disconnecting any wired push buttons and wiping all radio devices from the head unit then waiting to see if it happens again.
Thank you. Excellent step by step instructions. Door now working perfectly.
We have just moved into a house with 2 Hormann Supramatic Series E2. My problem is that one of the ports opens automatic after 4-5 hours. How can I reset the motor back to factory mode❓